Back-up and recovery are two ways of solving security concerns. They are intended to protect the website files and directory from being lost or corrupted. Actually, the world wide web nests lots of threats in forms of hacking and viruses attacks. Besides, the server may go down and undergo what we call system failure, which can result in permanent data loss. The fact is, as any hard drive management, the web server can face the same issues and hence, it may be treated the same way. The back-up and recovery processes are then necessary to be well-conducted in order to manage the content on the web servers.

The web server and the hard drive:

The hard drive is a peripheral that is made of metal disks which are susceptible to magnetization. This magnetization is the form of stored data on the component. The management of these data is done by reading the memorized magnetization or writing down new waves. The web server is a complete computer with drives that have a great capacity storage. In this context, the web server faces the same threats as a regular computer and is managed perhaps in the same way.

The web server experience data corruption or worse, the data loss. In fact, it is possible to be unable to retrieve the data from the hard drive after a sudden failure or a malware attack. This situation is usually recovered by specific applications that can recover the lost data.

Proceeding by the backup process:

The backup process is the creation of more than one copy of the same content. The process will include secure updates and regular monitoring. In the case of the hard drive, the backups can be created over a network of computers or using external storage devices. In the case of the web server, sharing the content over a network is also possible. Moreover, it is based on this idea that the concept of decentralization was founded. Currently, the decentralization of the content faces several challenges and is not fully adopted.

Proceeding by the recovery process:

The recovery is the most used option to manage data loss or data corruption on web servers. This process is usually handled by a freelance web designer Singapore. This process is conducted the same way as in the hard drive management, but with the more powerful applications. The reason is that the CPU (Central Processing Unit) of the web server is more powerful and can run these applications easily. However, the website may lose some content permanently. The re-creation of the lost content is perceived differently based on financial constraints.


The recovery solution seems to be the most used to resolve data loss and data corruption cases. The backup process implications are challenging and are somehow feared. The shared copies over the network may be a good trick to prevent security breaches and internal system failures, but the set of applications to handle the process as well as the applications that may retrieve the shared data and display it in a reasonable time are still to create.