Last Updated on November 30, 2017 by

As you know that HTML 5 is the fifth update in the lineup of HTML language. The developing process on HTML 5 isn’t finished still to this date. All the major browsers are capable of using HTML 5. This article is about some of the essential and mostly used tips and tricks you can use with HTML 5 that you cannot with other and older versions.


  1. Video Support for online streaming.

    This is probably the biggest and the best feature that HTML5 provides and others can’t. It wasn’t possible for older versions to incorporate videos inside the webpage. The need of a new markup language, that was able to incorporate videos was felt with the uprising and popularity of video streaming sites like YouTube, Vimeo, Daily Motion etc.
    Before the added video support, we had to rely on various plugins that increased the workload and affected the internet and processing speed. Video support can be added by using <video> tag.
  2. Audio Support for online streaming.

    Thanks to HTML 5. We no longer have to depend on third party plugins to render our audio. HTML5 now offers the <audio> tag. By using this tag, we can directly link an audio file,say a song or a radio show easily to our webpage. This audio file will be readily available for streaming to anyone who visits our webpage. Websites like Soundcloud,Spotify and many others who offer online audio players use feature to provide on demand access to millions of songs with in absolutely no time.
  3. On Display Controls

    You may have noticed the pop up-autohide controls that appear on the video when you hover your cursor on it. HTML 5 provides elements that can render these controls onto the video and be totally functional. This provides the users with ease of access to control the content they are viewing by causing minimal interruption.
  4. Storing Data

    You may know that whenever you type a password to your account or you do a google search, the browser always stores that information so that it could save time, if you plan to do it again. That capability of storing data, keeping it secure and managing it is provided by HTML 5 and wasn’t available before that. This may seem like a little but it reduces the load on global servers by a lot.
  5. Editable Content 

    Some sites require some kind of information from you especially from a web design agency Singapore company. For example, when you are making a to do list or providing information to you email service. With the use of <contenteditable> tag, as the name implies, it allows the user to edit any of the text contained within the element.

Including Data bases

HTML 5 has made it easy to include databases in webpages with the help of PHP. So large amounts of data can be managed and stored while on the webpage. For example, an online accounting software uses this kind of approach and doesn’t need to be linked to a specific software outside the website to be able to work perfectly.