A skilled web designer can help you to build a well designed and interactive website. It’s not too difficult to find a freelance web designer Singapore; however, you will need to be extra careful when hiring a web designer if you are looking to get a great quality work done for your website. It is best to meet the web designer in person when asking these important questions. To help you out, let’s take a look at some of the important questions you should ask any web designer.

Some questions to ask:

  • The first question you can ask is to check the websites which were designed by the web designer. Real life works will help you to understand the quality of the work provided by the web designer. You should also make sure to ask for a portfolio.
  • Ask the web designer how much you will need to pay to get the specific services and make sure that there are no hidden or extra costs that you don’t know about. Ask whether you will need to pay a fixed payment for the design of the whole website or whether you will be charged for each page on the site. Don’t pay the web designer the whole amount before starting out the project. Make sure that the terms for payment are clear enough and avoid any confusion.
  • Make sure to ask the revision numbers you will be allowed. Ask whether the revisions will be done during the project, or at the end of it.
  • Make sure to ask the web designer who can get an access to the website for editing. Also, will the designer provide any type o tutorial for the staff to maintain the site? Also, if the designer will provide any manual to help with the editing work or not. Also, you should make sure to ask whether it will be difficult to edit or are there any particular sections which are difficult in nature when it comes to editing.
  • Ask the web designer to know what support is offered as soon as the website is live. Ask for maintenance and any other related packages by the web designer. Also, ask if there are any backup routine and any security concern about the website.
  • Ask the web designer whether the site will be designed from a template or whether a customized site will be built. Ask if there are any license issues for the template or whether your competitors are using the same template, in case the designer decides to use a template. Also, whether an appropriate amount of testing will be done and the compatibility of the browsers.
  • Ask the time length for the project to be completed. This will help you to understand the time you need to wait before the site is live.
  • Ask how the site is going to be made responsive and what devices will be considered.
  • Ask the web designer what other services provided which you can consider taking from the web designer so that you don’t need to spend extra time looking to get the same services in any other place.