The web development field is divided into two major types; the front-end development and the back-end development. The first type is the development of an application that runs on the browser side, the client side, while the second type is reserved for developing programs and applications that run on the server side. Actually, developing applications that run on the server side requires programming languages that are able to deal with the server configurations or at least some frameworks that the products are destined to run on the server side. This implicates the importance of knowing about the back-end frameworks.
Defining the frameworks:
The word framework is perhaps equal to the meaning of the work scene. It refers to a window that displays sufficient lines of codes that enable specific functions in a way to facilitate the tasks related to its creation. These frameworks can be written in many programming languages. Indeed, the first frameworks were developed using languages like C++, Java…with the technological development, web programming languages like HTML, JavaScript, and PHP have made their entrance in the field and there is a great number of frameworks that are used to develop on client-side and on server-side. These are used by a freelance web designer Singapore that is engaged in your projects.
The back-end frameworks:
The back-end frameworks are simply the frameworks that are used to create back-end applications. These frameworks use back-end technologies to produce the pillar of the website by supporting the front-end developed work and helping it to display properly.
Particularities of the back-end frameworks:
The back-end frameworks are different from the front-end frameworks. They are mainly written in back-end development languages. In fact, these languages create dynamic websites by facilitating the communication with databases. Therefore, the first particularity of the back-end frameworks is their database connectivity.
Unlike the front-end frameworks, back-end frameworks can be created using programming languages which are computer programming languages (Python and Ruby) as well as some server-side programming languages (ASP and PHP). Therefore, these frameworks inherit the features of the languages and benefit from the regular updates that occur on both, the frameworks and the programming languages.
Features of the back-end frameworks:
Back-end frameworks are powerful tools when it is about creating secure and database connected web application. Since they are written with the server-side languages, the final work generates HTML and the code source is not accessible for all.
Moreover, the back-end frameworks come with a powerful templating system intended to support the eventual adds and implementations. This leaves the development tasks with no secrets but the creativity.
In the other hand, these frameworks don’t stick to a single exporting format; each of them can be extended to support more than one type of files. The exporting modules have access to previously generated files and perform some format modifications. This enhances the security feature of the back-end development frameworks.
The front-end frameworks are definitely genuine tools that operate in the server-side. The development environment that supports these frameworks seems to add its effects to the whole system. The client-side is neither less important, nor more critical. Both are made to work together in the perfect harmony to produce the desired UX and to ensure the client satisfaction.