Last Updated on April 1, 2018 by
Server-side scripting is a technique which allows the webpage to produce desired responses when employed. It may be noted that server-side scripts are different from client-side scripts. Server-side scripts, as the name indicates are employed on the server not on the client’s browser. Server-side scripts can be written in many languages like ASP, Parser, Lasso, Python, PHP and more. In this article you will read about PHP side-scripts.
PHP is a server-side scripting language that is used to develop websites and also used as a programming language. PHP used to be known as “Personal Home Page” when it was first invented but it has since changed to “PHP Hypertext Preprocessor.” Since the invention of PHP in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf, it has undergone several updates. The recent update came in 2015 which is known as the PHP 7. PHP is compatible with almost all kinds of operating systems. It also supports a wide range of databases that are compatible with it.
PHP is used to develop dynamic websites at a freelance web designer singapore, add functionality and link databases to websites. If you’ve ever signed up for an email or filled out any kind of form on the internet you may have noticed that there are these small boxes in which you have to put the information. That is done through HTML but HTML can’t store or do something with that information. That is where PHP comes to play, it either links your information in to the server database or creates dynamic forms or webpages based on your information.
PHP scripts also check the nature of information that is provided to the website. For example, there is an online signup form for an email. There are designated boxes for names,numbers and birthdates etc. What PHP does that it makes sure that only the right and relevant information is being placed in the respective boxes. You can’t place words in the number’s box, similarly you can’t put numbers in the name box.
PHP is widely used in almost every website on the internet. But it also has some draw backs. It has a poor design and is weakly typed meaning that it has a flexible design and since it doesn’t need to be compiled it can be written in ways that other languages can’t. This makes it difficult for other developers to understand the PHP code written by another developer.
A major issue in using PHP is scalability of the language. PHP isn’t really suitable for creating bigger and heavier applications. It lacks the framework and resources to manage high amount of data of millions of users on a website.
As far as security is concerned PHP is an open source language which makes it vulnerable to certain security standards. Since it’s a weakly typed language it can be manipulated easily and is prone to less security.