Last Updated on March 31, 2018 by
Progressive enhancement is an evolution of a previously used strategy known as “Graceful Degradation”. Graceful Degradation was a technique in which web designers would create effective and efficient designs for latest web mobile technologies. In easy terms graceful degrading allowed the page to “degrade” in a presentable manner if the latest features were not supported by the browser. Progressive enhancement is based on this phenomenon but instead of degrading the page freelance web designer singapore just upgrade.
Progressive enhancement is a technique that at first provides basic content and functionality to most of its users and then provides enhanced features of the webpage to users who are capable of availing them. It is the enhancement of Basic User Experience and cross-compatibility across major web browsers to ensure responsiveness, stability, and reliability. Additional improved features can be added to future environments using various scripts available. In other words, we can add a feature to our webpage, if the user has the proper means and accessibility to use it, we can enhance the user experience for him, not affecting the basic user experience of the webpage.
Progressive Enhancement starts with a strong foundation. Strong and valid points are considered, Features are explored and discussed and then chosen. After that, it is built upon specific feature requests and gradually moves up to more sophisticated environments.
This benefits us in different ways. It provides us with more accessibility with HTML 5 as it is semantic and architected in a way that it provides ease of use to the screen readers. It also improves the SEO which means that the search engines can index and read the page more efficiently and accurately which results in better ranking exposure and promotion. This also benefits us in maintaining the site. Specific features can be added or removed while the site is functional whereas the basic user experience remains the same.