Creating a platform where you are going to sell particular products or services is a process that starts by choosing the appropriate layout, writing down the codes, insert the necessary applications and modules then publish online. Among the necessary modules, these dedicated to handling the payments and the transactions are very particular. Generally, they require to be linked to external resources in order to work. Knowing that the payment modules may need to fulfill some requirements, and they are probably developed according to some constraints since they are not your sole properties, but a shared part of your business.
Particularities of the e-commerce websites:
The websites that are intended to sell products or services are particular. Whether they are e-commerce websites or information (ebook, guides…)or services sellers, they differ from the other website by the layout, the content, especially the written content, and the included applications. The content is around descriptions and reviews, illustrations of the products. The layout is not stuffed with colors, and the content is well distributed. The applications are mainly ordered forms, research forms, newsletter forms, and payment forms. The payment forms are essentially linked to payment handlers applications that are very specific.
The anatomy of the payment applications:
The payment applications are intended to create and handle the connection between two units. The website and the banking agencies. Since all the payments are done online, users are urged to have their credit or debit cards. The payment modules should, therefore, be able to:
- Receive the references for the cards.
- Determine the card origin.
- Ensure the privacy and the security by an encryption protocol.
- Connect to the banking account.
- Operate the transfer, if conditions are fulfilled.
The process requires the payment module to be equipped with:
- Form where users have to enter their references.
- Built-in research modules that will handle determining the card origin.
- Encryption unit.
Implement the payment modules:
Ready to use payment modules:
In general, there are many brokers that play the banking intermediate and therefore they supply you with the payment modules, ready to use. They provide a link that allows implementing their payment gateway into your website. You have to associate the link with the appropriate content elements such as forms in order to function properly.
Custom payment modules:
On the other hand, you may create your own payment module. There are many platforms (notably Shopify and WooCommerce) that supply you with the necessary tools to create your own payment application (payment gateway). The best option is to hand the creation process to a professional developer. Definitely, the process will be charged a huge money but you may benefit a lot in the long term:
- No more fees.
- You can offer this payment application to others.
- You can engage a freelance web designer Singapore to create a custom module too!
The fact is, a payment application is intended to be as secure as secure can. This is the second factor of trust that you may consider after the quality of the products you are selling online. But still, growing a trustworthy reputation with a custom payment application may take a while. Yet, it is an option to outstand in the marketplace.