If you are interested in becoming a freelance web designer Singapore, you have definitely chosen a career which will allow you to use your creativity! It also has become one of the most popular careers. It isn’t difficult to become a web designer if you have got the interest, dedication, a good eye for design and passion for learning new things! To help you out, let’s take a look at some great tips to help you to get started as a web designer.

Some tips to start out as a new web designer:

  • Before you decide to become a web designer, you will need to make sure that you are selecting the right career for you. Check out YouTube videos and articles dedicated to web design as career. Also, you can talk to web designers to find out more about the profession. These will help you to make a good decision of whether this is the perfect career for you.
  • You will need to learn the basics of web design and understand and master the tools that are used by web designers. Some common software is Adobe Illustrator and Fireworks. As a beginner, you can also use Inkscape. There are hundreds of web design tutorials that you can learn from. Another alternative way to learn web design is to join a 2-year technical school.
  • Learn the theory of colour and learn to edit images perfectly.
  • There are some skills that you will need to pick up and master on your way to become a web designer. Some of these skills are HTML, JavaScript, PHP, CSS etc. There are many online resources where you can easily learn these coding languages.
  • When you have mastered MySQL and PHP, you can easily create a dynamic website. This will help you to apply the coding languages and design techniques that you have learned. You can learn and fix from any errors you make.
  • Many web designers are also learning copywriting skills. This helps to improve the employment prospects and clients are eager to hire someone who has got extra skills. This will also increase your potential to earn more!
  • Find out some good servers of web and set up a perfect environment for work by downloading and installing it on your computer.
  • Try to make some mock sites yourself. This will help you to learn things fast as you can learn by creating a real site.
  • You should also learn some business skills which will help you to start and manage your business of web design. You should also improve your communication skills so that you can communicate clearly with your prospective clients.
  • Create and design your website, showcasing the portfolio, this will help to create a good impression to your clients, who can check your design style.
  • Make sure to create a strong portfolio. You can become a freelance designer and look for your first jobs on various freelance platforms online.
  • Stress on getting good reviews from clients by offering them with excellent web design services. This will strengthen your reputation as a web designer.