The web design and the web development processes require implementing some applications and modules which are essential to the proper functioning of the website. These applications can be self-made; they can be also made by some other developers and they may be some companies properties. They are qualified third-party components. The implementing process of these third-party components requires the dedication of definite zones, called containers. The containers are there to display and allow the best integration of the applications. The creation of the containers responds to some constraints which will be summarized in the following few lines.

Defining web applications in general:

The web application is a piece of code that performs a particular set of tasks. Usually, these tasks are not supported by the browsers. The execution of these tasks requires therefore that the web developers include on the website they produce the necessary instructions to make running the tasks possible.

The need for containers to implement applications:

Launching the web applications may require the use of the browser’s resources. This interference may cause the browser to stop responding and then all the session is doomed. To avoid this unwanted bugs or crashes, the web applications are preferably launched using their resources. This process requires a dedicated memory (memory allocation) to load the necessary resources to run the web applications properly. This memory allocation is expressed by the allocation of a specified area on the layout where the web application will be implemented.

The creation of the containers:

The conception:

The conception of the container is a subsequent task to the web application definition. In other words, the container is to define after knowing the required resources to properly run the applications. Some of the applications are called servlets and they need specific and defined containers. Thus, the containers will gather the maximum of resources to allow more than one application to run. Actually, there are several open source containers, yet developers may try to conceive and develop their own containers to make the difference.

The design:

The design considers the way the results of the web applications will display. The web application will return some outputs that have not to alter the container integrity. Preferably, the outputs will display the same way as any other content of the website. However, the distinction can be made using dedicated frames, or windows. This is to decide according to the business and the responsiveness principles.

The code:

Coding the web applications container will consider the server’s constraints. Since these containers are, in major parts, back-end platforms, they will run in the server environment. The code will be written in an appropriate back-end scripting language to avoid bugging the server modules.



There is interference of concepts when dealing with web application containers. They include the back-end and the front-end aspects of the web development. However, the needs for the containers are a server-side concern. The front-end aspect will target the best integration of the outputs within the website, as it is designed.