Commonly, a website has a certain number of sections organised into pages. These pages are supposed to serve in a particular way. Among these pages, there is one which role is not evident for everyone, yet it appears that it has a certain impact somewhere. The resource page is different from the home page, it is different from the contact us and the about us page. However, it shares with these pages the fact of obeying to some rules in order to achieve the purpose of its creation. After reading the next lines, you will consider adding a resource page to your website, if it isn’t already created, and if it exists, your freelance web designer Singapore may apply the best practices to benefit from it.
The anatomy of the resource page:
The resource page is usually a single webpage with only a few live links. The webpage layout is different from the overall website, which means it doesn’t have to contain the menus, the logo. Brief, the resource page is better when it appears as a new website. It is, actually, a page where you can place URLs for other websites –partners websites- that offer, of course, related contents to yours. The few lines it can contain have to be optimized for particular keywords and they need to be written in a persuasive tone.
Types of resource pages:
There are three main types of resource pages, and they are:
The start here page:
This resource page is created for the new visitors who may be confused by the topic of the website. They would find all the clarification they need in order to comprehend the message and, therefore, will be encouraged to discover more and browse more content.
The single topic page:
The single topic page, as it sounds, deals with a single topic. Generally, it is the main topic of the website or the blog. The users expect to find all that they need to know and related to the topic you have picked and placed on this page.
The all topics page:
In this case, this page is about all the topics covered by the website. It will contain links targeting internal resources, external resources, archives, and whatever material you have posted or used as references on the website.
The importance of the resource page:
The resource page is useful in several ways and, indeed, it has to be given the due importance. In fact, the resource page can:
- Generate traffic: in fact, it contains selected URLs which can lead to particular locations. This way, there is a contribution in generating traffic, whether through the current website or targeting a third party URL.
- Generate passive income: monetizing the website may require the website owner to invest huge efforts all over the website. Yet, creating an outstanding resource page would save time and efforts. Therefore, it is important to know the most effective ways to produce the efficient resource page.
- Enhance the ranking in research results if it is a well-structured and properly optimized unit.
The role of the resource page seems to be critical to the success of the business. If you consider adding such a page, it is important to create it using the best practices. Otherwise, invest in other pages and bear the big budget.