The website is nothing but a group of web pages that are related to each other. They belong to the same main URL and then, each has its particular name and a particular role. In fact, it is common to find a Thank you page integrated on websites where users take some actions. This can be a subscription; buying, filling a survey…The idea is to reward the user for what he just did. Actually, this page, the thank you page, seems to have definite properties and equally, it has a very important role to play in the web pages set by a freelance web designer Singapore.
The thank you page anatomy:
The thank you page should basically contain some elements in order to be consistent and to fulfill its purposes. These elements are:
- The thanking phrases.
- The summary of the action.
- The suggestion of next actions to take.
Where to use a thank you page?
The thank you page is triggered by the completion of a particular action by the users. This action can be the purchase of a product/service, the opt-in to an emailing list, or the submission of a form (inquiry or a survey). The loading of the thank you page is preferably on the same tab where the action has been taken.
Importance of the thank you page:
The thank you page recognises the value of the customers and cherishes their trust in the website. In a certain way, the thank you page is intended to value the action taken by the customers and how it has contributed to the success of the business. Besides, it ensures the customer that he had made the right decision.
On the other hand, a thank you page is a good place to offer complementary services/products that are associated with the previous action. In this context, this page can increase the conversion rate and can also drive traffic to partner websites.
Creating the thank you page:
The thank you page can contain the previously mentioned elements, yet they can be organised in a different order. The texts have to be consistent and cheerful. There might be a powerful call to action which prompts the customers to take one last action before leaving.
It is important to add some visuals to drag the user’s attention to some important clickable elements. Nowadays, using the share buttons related to social media platforms is the alternative to the message “tell a friend”. The message “you may also like” introduces the associated products, whether they are listed on the website or proposed on other platforms.
The things to keep in mind when creating the thank you page are:
- The thank you page has to be invisible only for those who have took the trigger action.
- The thank you page has to have no incoming links.
- The thank you page should load fast in order to catch up with users before they leave
The thank you page seems to be more than the greeting message. It is indeed a great marketing tool because it helps driving traffic and increasing sales, and it helps to build trust and loyalty among customers. It is an important section of the website, yet it is not viewable for everyone. Only those who make the desired action get, definitely, the reward.