Last Updated on August 27, 2018 by

If half or more than half of your viewers still use Internet Explorer, and your site stops functioning properly than half of your viewers will opt out. They will not be interested anymore.

Images are processed ten times faster by our brain than words so the visual impact made by the images on the website of the user is far more. Hence, the images on the website must be of superior quality and highly relevant to your website. For example the picture must be comforting and welcoming if a hotel website, knowledgeable if a blog etc.

The page loading time period for your website must not be more than 6 second, if possible as some surveys have told us that after few seconds viewers lose their interest and hence look elsewhere.

If the user has been searching for website bounce rates and your articles does not has the heading of “Ways to improve website bounce rates” or anything relevant to the content then the article will not appear in the search and there will not be any views. There is a relevant way to solve this problem, by using a script that analyzes where the visitor came from and display a relevant message.

Taking an example, if a user enters any keyword, website can showcase all the articles having that keyword or which are relevant to that keyword.

Unwanted audio is a big no no for any website. No viewer is interested in your website if they get to listen to unwanted music or audio at any random time after they start using your website, they will exit immediately. Thus, make sure to eliminate anything that by itself starts making noise or starts playing. This applies to both audio and videos.

Simple, easy and attractive websites are the eye catchers because it is very easy to navigate through it. Try to make rest of your website simple and de-cluttered. There should only be one main call for the next action to undertake.

Keep in mind the type of audience you are aiming to achieve and try your best to make the language as much as possible relevant to them. Different language clashing with different kind of viewers might not leave such a lifting impact for your viewers, might even offend them. Thus, it is important for you to keep language of the website in your mind.

Any image that is shown to the user in their browser before having to them scroll down. Anything most relevant to the keyword(s) being searched must be visible at the top of the website as many viewers lose interest if they don’t find any relevant content without scrolling down.

The main menu of the website must be easy to see and easy to use. Company history and contact details are something very important for the users and must be displayed as a priority on the webpage. The lack of ease in finding these or even simply not finding might turn down the viewers from further navigating in the website.

If not updated regularly by the freelance web designer singapore, any references to the date must not be placed in the website.