Last Updated on April 1, 2018 by

Web design is the process that leads to the creation of a website that functions properly within the World Wide Web environment. This definition requires a set of features that have to be fulfilled by the website to be efficient considering the purpose of its creation. The efficiency is actually and in the first place traduced by the ranking of the website on search engines result from pages. The web design process has, therefore, the duty of ensuring the best referencing and this by guaranteeing a set of properties.

Web design elements:

Web design is the process that leads to creating a website that can be published online. The elements of such process are multiple and include more than the visible elements; indeed there are some hidden elements that cannot be visible -and should not visible- to the public in order to maintain some privacy and the control of the code.

Visible elements of the web design:

These elements include everything that user can see and interact with; the layout and the content of web page. The layout is the way web page content is organized, the content is the filler of the layout. Colors, blocks, tables, menu bars, backgrounds, sidebars, elements dimensions, and positions are visible elements that have nothing to do the content itself but can influence the content visibility and impact.

The content is the message carrier. Texts, graphics, and forms are the real support of what the website has to transmit. There must be the adequate layout that will complete the messages.

Hidden elements of the web design:

Hidden elements are the main portion of codes that are not visible to users; they don’t have visible effects on the page as well. In other words, they are destined to search engines robots and browser plug-ins. These are compatibility checker, responsiveness handlers, and tags’ elements.

Webdesign and SEO:

Visible and hidden elements are important. Well realized, they are the base of SEO efficiency. In fact, these elements can:

  • Influence speed loading of website pages: a well-organized page load faster than a messy page; a page with a balanced rate of graphics/texts loads faster; a page with a reasonable load of links is more appreciated, etc.
  • The attractiveness of the content: the way that the content is displayed has a great impact on users’ preferences.
  • The consistency of the content: the content has to comply with the layout and it has to offer something important, new or useful to visitors.
  • Browsing session time: the design and the content should be able to retain users as long as it is possible.
  • Website popularity: the website will be famous, promoted and well ranked. It will have a high-efficiency rate, whether as a social or lucrative resource.


A web design done by a professional freelance web designer singapore has to support the primary goal of conquering the web environment. SEO principles are definitely very important. Indeed, web design appears, at the end of the lines, as the practical application of theoretical concepts. The aim is increase website visibility and therefore multiplying the opportunity for successful achievement from it.