Last Updated on March 31, 2018 by
The marketplace of web editors is full of publishers who have their own visions of web designing and web b development. Each publisher has a particular web editor with a set of features to offers to the audience in order to conquer and maintain a place within the competitive schemes. Still, the toughest competition is noticed between free and paid versions of web editors. The software has different licensing types and it is expected that they have different features. This article is about the most important distinctions between the two groups.
Shared features of web editors:
Web editors, whether free or paid are used for website creation. They are based on HTML editor that inserts basic HEAD tag containing default values. They support all front-end development languages mainly PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and CSS. There are modules that highlight specific symbols and tags as scripts beginning. Files can be saved in appropriate format to run properly ; you can therefore save in .html, .php, asp, .css, and .js.
Features of free web editors:
Free web editors are free to use. In other words, you don’t need to purchase a license key to activate the application. They are generally open source and categorized under the OpenGL class of software license.
Usually, they come in little weight and do not occupy a high volume on the drive. They have checker modules that highlight eventual errors and specific code lines. Unlikely, they do not offer an interface where you can directly view the design; they do not allow the WYSIWYG option. Instead, they are regularly updated and they benefit from fast bug fixes every time.
Features of paid web editors:
They are licensed, then you need to purchase a license to use the full features. These editors are delivered in a relatively high volume and they consume an important space on the drive. They show a coding interface and a WYSIWYG interface that allows verifying the codes, or directly inserting the elements. They are fully supported by the publisher for bug fixes, help rubrics, and updates. Here again, the license needs to be checked every time updates are available. Still, the frequency of the updates is low in comparison with free editors.
Paid editors are usually able to create a simple and basic environment to test the pages. They support CSS and JavaScript; PHP scripts require a specific server with Apache installed.
Paid web editors are likely to be preferred for beginners since they offer the WYSIWYG interface, whereas the free editors are more likely to be suitable for professional and advanced developers. In this context, the technology used by a certain web designer in a freelance web designer singapore may be a factor for determining the proficiency and the mastering level of the discipline.